Hi! I’m Angela.
I’m a Web Developer with many hobbies.
I’ve been busy as a freelancer for the past few years fixing websites and making them awesome.
I’ve worked with some of the biggest names in tech: Amazon, Microsoft, and T-Mobile.
I’ve been fixing ALL KINDS of website problems since 2006. Over 16 years now.
Using my experience over the years I help small businesses, individuals, and nonprofits with their websites. I fix issues, customize solutions, and keep websites running well.

Some web dev projects
With more in the past and more in progress.

Renaissance Woman
“a woman who is interested in and knows a lot about many things”
– Merriam-Webster
Here’s another thing I care about

Foster dog parenting
Dogs are great. I have adopted rescue dogs and often open my home to take care of foster dogs through a local animal rescue. It’s both rewarding and fun. Plus I made an Instagram account for my doggos.